Bora sugar or tagar is made with sugar and different from powdered sugar, instead of grinding the sugar here we cook it with water to the consistency where it become like a powder.

Always use bora or tagar in making ladoos, this is the secret behind good sweet shops. This not only holds the shape of ladoo but also give little crunchiness.

When you add powder sugar in ladoo it releases the water and doesn't let it hold the shape.

This takes only 10 minutes to prepare it. You can store this for more than 3 months.

3 cup sugar

1 cup water
1 tbsp milk

Mix together sugar and water. Once sugar is dissolved completely add some milk, trun the flame high, if there is any impurity in sugar it will float up. Discard if any.

The sugar I used was clean so you can see no dirt or scum in it.

 Cook till syrup becomes thick. Once you get the consistency shown below in pic keep cooking.

Turn off the flame. Now start stirring it continuously. As the sugar will cool down it will start becoming thicker and thicker and the stage will come when it will turn white. Don't leave at that stage and continue stirring till you get the powdered sugar like texture.

Once it cool down completely transfer in grinder and blend to get smooth fine sugar.

You can use this to make ladoos and pedas.


1. Mix together water and sugar.

2. Add milk.

3. Remove if any scum is there.

4. Let it become thick.

5. Remove from gas and stir it cotinously till you reach this consistency.

6. After continuously stirring you will see this.

7. After it cool down completely grind to fine powder.

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