Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes

Can I say everyone in parties loves cheesecakes? If not everyone, then most people are so into trying these little cute cheesecakes. I made some for a bring-a-plate family gathering, they’re gone quickly once served on table.

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What I like the most about making cheesecakes is that I can make them well in advance, chill in fridge, then bring them along inside an insulated food bag. Then off I go for enjoying the party without any stress.

As I got a new kitchen toy – a 12-cup mini cheesecake pan recently, I can’t wait to try this nifty kitchen gadget. Baking cheesecakes turns out into a 20-minute-or-so matter. Then simply top the baked cheesecakes with some blueberry coulis, place one or two fresh blueberries for garnish.
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